Tokyo born and raised, Silicon Valley made

I’m Justin Barber, a designer born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. Growing up as a foreigner in a culture that values consideration and conformity (for better and for worse) gave me a liminal perspective on life and design. In other words, I’m shaped like Ando’s Glass.


Weeks after my 21st birthday I moved to Silicon Valley to start my career at Google (back when the logo was a goofy serif, the products were ugly, and shares were trading at $27). I later joined a 13 person startup that, after years of hard work and luck, grew to be worth $3.6B.

Over this time, the Bay Area has become the only place besides Tokyo that I consider “home."

Designed for billions,
valued at billions

My four years at Google – where I worked on the first three Pixel phones and released software to billions of people – taught me how to design for scale and quality. I also learned that the best output comes from small, opinionated teams.


From 2018–2023 I was the first designer and then Head of Design at Applied Intuition, a startup in the autonomous vehicle space. I built a small team responsible for every aspect of our product and brand design.

We helped grow the company into a business worth billions of dollars, a grueling but addictive process that taught me the discipline of pursuing excellence.

Juxtaposition is core to our creative ethos


The relentless pursuit of excellence



The time and space to replenish


Every detail makes the difference



Every process has a black box


The constraints of reality



The potential of the future